Audubon Starr Ranch Web Cams

05/10/24 Emma asked me to post the egg dates so here ya go:
Egg #1 – 4/22/24 – 8:30 am
Egg #2 – 4/24/24 – 8:30 am
Egg #3 – 4/26/24 – 9:39 am
Egg #4 – 4/28/24 – 11:44 am
Egg #5 – 4/30/24 – 3:21 pm
Egg #6 – 5/3/24 – 2:25 am
And thanks to all who sent, or will send, an “Egg Pledge” donation! Very much appreciated. Pete

04/15/24 Well, the Cavity Cam is finally back up and I was also able to get the Bat Cam to display. Though the Nest Cams (formerly know as Drop Cams) on the Trail and Limb are still not functioning. Google bought Nest Cams a while ago and I recently learned that they no longer would support the earlier Drop Cams, which happens to be the one on the Trail. So I will get a new one for it. As for the Limb Cam, I have to troubleshoot it some more. It’s a really simple set up yet I yet to be able to pinpoint the problem. Thanks, Pete

04/07/24 Thanks to an email from Emma today it spurred me to go up to the cavity this evening to see what was going on. A week or so ago the OC Bee Keeper Association folks (who were REALLY great) were here and removed the abandoned combs. But I thought they said there were some other active combs behind those and they’d have to come back. So I was waiting on them.

But I decided to go up there anyway to check things out after Emma’s email.  Well, before I climbed up there this evening I rattled the ladder a little and 2 Barn Owls flew out of the cavity! And when I got up there the cavity was totally free of combs and there were also two fresh pellets. So they’re BACK!!!

Now I have to focus on why the cavity, and other cams, aren’t working. Uh, as it’s been said – it’s always something… But I’m on it. Stay tuned. And thanks for your patience. Pete

03/17/24 I’m REALLY sorry about the cam problems, especially the cavity cam. Right now I have been unable to successfully trouble shoot it and with the bee combs still there, along with a few bees, it’s difficult for me to safely get up there to inspect the connections. I’m also still waiting for the OC Beekeepers to schedule a time to come out to remove the combs. So, again, I’m sorry and hope you will bear with me. Thanks, Pete

03/15/24 Our power went out this morning around 8AM PST so cams are down. SC Edison is saying that it should be back on around 12:30PM PST. Also, I’m still waiting to get an appointment with the OC Beekeepers to have them remove the combs. Pete

02/26/24 I reached out again to the OC Beekeepers Association and my thought now is to have one of their people experienced in working with honey bees and being up in a tree come out to to safely remove the abandoned combs and also deal properly with the remaining “scavenger” bees that are still coming and going. So stay tuned… Pete

02/22/24 I went up to the cavity today anticipating I’d be able to remove the abandoned honeybee combs,  And while bees were coming and going and didn’t seem to mind me, there where 50-75 of them on the comb.  So I decided not to chance it and will be back in touch with the pros from OC Beekeepers to see if it still would be safe for me to remove the combs.

BTW, from what I saw the combs are not as huge as they look on the cam.  But they’re certainly big enough to keep the BNOWs from using the cavity.  Any case, I will continue to try to deal with this.  Pete

01/17/24 I talk to a professional bee keeper today and she confirmed that the hive/combs has/have been abandoned. So I’ll be going up there shortly to remove the combs and also clean the cam lens. And, hopefully, get the limb cam – as well as the trail cam – working again. Thanks for your patience and understanding. Pete

10/23/23 Here’s the link to Carl Safina’s and Kevin McGowan’s Cornell talk on owls with a focus on Carl’s new book “Alfie and Me”. I hope it works… Pete



10/09/23 Hey gang, sorry for the late notice! My good buddy of over 40 years and well know scientist and author, Carl Safina, will be giving a web talk tomorrow with Kevin McGowan at 10AM PST via Cornell University’s website about OWLS (details below). I thought y’all might be interested so immediately below is the link if you want to register and join in.  Pete



Owls are fascinating and elusive birds — masterful hunters and age-old symbols of wisdom and knowledge. While their acute senses and physical adaptations help them survive and succeed in nature, owls have a curious charisma and surprising social skills when closely observed.
Join owl expert Kevin J. McGowan from Cornell’s Lab of Ornithology and ecologist Carl Safina, author of Alfie and Me: What Owls Know, What Humans Believe, for an in-depth look into the complex lives of owls and how humans might live among them in harmony and with respect.

10/03/23 After almost a month of SoCal Edison replacing our power poles and conductors with more fire resistant gear and having our electricity go off and on multiple times during this effort I think we’re now back up and should, hopefully, have uninterrupted service going forward. So I’ve reconfigged and updated the Cavity and Bat cams and they should be live. Next is to try to get the Limb and Trail cams back up… Thanks for your patience. Pete

9/28/23 We’ve been running on a generator for the last 8-9 days and will be until 10/2/23. But about a half hour ago it shut down due to a malfunction and I’m currently waiting for a replacement. So the cams will be down due to this wait. And when we’re powered back up again I can try to reset the cams. However, we’re due to have normal power turned back on 10/2/23 so the cams will go down again during that switch over and I’ll have to reconfigure them once more at that time. Thanks, Pete

9/22/23 I saw a comment or two about the beehive – like wondering how big the cavity is and if the hive is hanging outside it and may fall. The cavity is huge.  For example, when I’ve been up there and reached to the back of it from the lip I can’t touch it.  So the cavity floor is a good 24″ in diameter along with the “pantry” that has a lot of space to the left.  Also, a good portion of the euc above the cavity is hollow.  Recall we’ve seen more than on chick “disappear” up there from time to time.  The hive is also totally inside the cavity as far as I can tell. Not the greatest pic, but I think one can see there doesn’t appear to be any part of it sticking out.  Pete P.S. I just noticed possomtrot’s question about size of cavity opening and the hive. I estimate that the opening is about 24″ tall and at least 18″ wide and the hive is currently filling all of that.

9/18/23 OK, we’re now running the entire south end of our HQ on a SC Edison generator. It’s quiet and working great. So should be like this for a couple of weeks and then we’ll be put back on the grid and should, hopefully, have no power interruptions again. In meantime I was able to recreate the Bat Cam stream but am having problems doing the same with the Cavity (aka BeeHive) stream. Can’t seem to get the Alibi digitizer to reload the stream. But have contacted Jorge who is quite good at figuring out how to fix stuff like this. Sorry about this current mess, but I’m pedaling as fast as I can… Pete

9/8/23 I’m sorry about all these cam issues, but they’ll likely continue until after SCEdison finishes redoing all our electric power infrastructure. And this is going to be going on into early October. For now the Bat Cam seems to be working and I’m working with Jorge to try to fix the Cavity Cam feed. And, alas, when our power was turned back on again yesterday afternoon the Limb Cam didn’t restart. Sigh. It’s always something… Pete

9/1/23 I have no idea why this happened, but when SoCal Edison turned our power back on late yesterday the Limb cam started working!  Now I have to get into YouTube and create new URLs for the Cavity and Bat cams to get them running again.  But I don’t know why the Trail cam is still down.  Pete

8/31/23 Starr Ranch electricity comes via a 12K volt line about a mile long and over a lot of open space. In an effort to prevent the poles and wires from causing a fire, SoCal Edison just began replacing our 13+ poles with ones made from a composite that doesn’t burn (and is also Acorn Woodpecker proof…). They’ll also be replacing the conductors with ones that are insulated. Part of this means that our power will be intermittently out, the first day being today, and at some point will be out for a week or so. During this longer period they will provide generators, but it still may be difficult for me to keep the cams going. This project is scheduled to take most of September. So if the cams are down, this is almost certainly why. Thanks, Pete

8/22/23 A couple of things:

1) Hillary didn’t really affect Starr Ranch much at all. The winds never got bad, though we did get 2.53″ of rain. That amount of rain was not a problem infrastructure-wise, but may have implications for Sandy’s habitat restoration. Basically, and as all of us SoCal folks know, we NEVER get rain in August. The rainy season at Starr Ranch is usually October through April. But this recent rainfall has a good chance of giving the invasive weeds that Sandy keeps getting rid of a “jump start” on growing, making the field season that much longer.

2) I saw some suggestions about getting a “watering hole” set up with a cam like I’ve done in the past, and I’m happy to do that. However, there still is quite a bit of water in Bell Creek so most of the wildlife goes there for a drink. But once things start really drying up, I will set up something.

BTW, Our FY24 budget season has started and Sandy and I are trying to raise some bucks to keep the wheels on Starr Ranch, especially the habitat restoration that requires 4 seasonal field assistants. So any donations would really be appreciated.


6/21/23 Regarding the Honey Bees (I also posted this as a reply to the thread below). Thanks, Pete

Thanks for the heads up, Paddy.

To All,

This same thing happened before at this cavity right around the time the chicks had fledged. Honey Bees built a hive in there, but soon after abandoned it. I eventually cleaned it out, but once they’ve been there I suspect that there are some residual smells, pheromones, etc. that may draw them back again. What just happened seems to be case in point.

I was hoping to get up there after the BNOWs fledged to try to figure out why the limb cam isn’t working and fix it and also change the cavity cam. But if the bees take up residence, I don’t see how that will be possible.

So I guess we’re now in a “wait and see” mode. Though I can say now that if the Honey Bees stay, they’ll be what we might be able to watch. I won’t take any steps to remove them. Long ago I tried to make it known that we’re just getting to watch a natural situation unfold. If BNOW’s, American Kestrels, Honey Bees, or anything else establishes a home or roost there, so be it.

I decided on this approach after the male stop returning with much needed prey several years ago. The 4 (as I recall) chicks were too small for the female to leave and hunt. He was later found dead by the field crew here about 1.5 miles north of the cavity in a grassland. I took him to the OC Bird of Prey Center, but Dr. Scott Weldy told me he was too far gone to determine a CoD. However, by his band I knew he was at least 10 yrs old and I think the current longevity record for wild BNOWs is still 15 yrs old. So maybe it was old age… Anyway, after 3 days of no male returning with prey the chicks were clearly starving. So I bought a hundred frozen rats and was throwing them in the cavity every night for several weeks.

All the chicks eventually fledged, but I likely doomed at least some of them because, as you know, the adults continue feeding them for up to two months post fledging. Without the male around to help out some of them almost certainly starved to death. So I told myself I would never set them up like that again or interfere with whatever natural situation unfolds at this site. I hope that you understand.

2/21/23 Gretchen needs to change our web host. She said that this should be seamless, but in case the page is down it should be back up in a day or two. Thanks, Pete

2/17/23 The power will be out for most of the day at Starr Ranch because SC Edison needs to do some maintenance on the lines. So cams will be down. I’m hoping that by 4pm PST I’ll be able to get them running again. The Cavity and Bat cams, that is. I still haven’t figured out what’s wrong with the Trail and Limb cams. Thanks. Pete

1/23/23 I have been working with Jorge to try to fix all the cams. But the problems are a little bit baffling. I still don’t know why the Trail and the Limb cam aren’t working and Jorge recently identified a failed hard drive in the PC that powers the Cavity and Bat cams. So I’m trying to deal with all this but the fixes haven’t been straight forward. Sigh… Pete

8/22/22 Hey y’all, I’m really sorry about all the cam probs and will try to fix them ASAP. Was taking a little vacay last week but now am back in the saddle. Any case, I think the Cavity and Bat cam are now back up after a little switcher meltdown that I luckily was able to quickly fix. But the Trail and Limb cams are still frustrating me about why they aren’t working. Nonetheless will try to focus more on fixing them tomorrow. Thanks again for your patience. Pete

8/8/22 Trail and Limb cam update.  I’m having a lot of trouble trying to isolate why these cams aren’t working again.  Typically, when we have a power outage they automatically come back online when power is restored.  But this time it didn’t happen and I have yet to figure out why not.  I will keep trying and appreciate your patience.  BTW, being so darn hot here these days just adds to my frustration… Thanks, Pete

8/6/22 OK, the Cavity AND Bat cams should now both be back up, though I still need to troubleshoot the Nest Cams that are on the Limb and Trail. I’m quite sure I’ll figure them out, but for now that they didn’t automatically come back after our power was restored baffles me.  Stay tuned… Thanks, Pete

8/4/22 Tomorrow, Friday August 5, SCEdison will be cutting off our power to do some maintenance. This will likely be between 9AM and 3PM PST, so the cams will be off. When power is restored it will take me a bit to recreate the YouTube Cavity and Bat cam URLS and restore them to the page. Thanks.

3/4/22 I cleaned the bat cam lens today so hopefully you now have a clearer view of the box. Am also looking into buying a new cavity cam that has a built in mic so I can replace the current cam and not have to deal with a separate mic. So stay tuned. In meantime pls know I’m peddling as fast as I can… Thanks. Pete

1/28/22 I’m really sorry, folks. I’m just having a lot of trouble getting the cavity cam to show again on the page. Jorge and I are in touch so hopefully will be able to figure out soon. Pete

1/27/22 Sorry, but I’m having trouble getting the Cavity and Batbox cam YouTube feeds restarted after our power was restored around 4:30PM PST today. I just contacted Jorge who I know will be able to bail me out of this mess as he always has… In the meantime, thanks for your patience. Pete

1/27/22 Cams will be down for most of today as SC Edison replaces a power pole. Should be back up again around 5PM PST. Pete

12/09/21 We have been part of the CA Mountain Lion Project for a very long time with many cougars having been GPS collared at Starr Ranch and, as of last count, at least 5 using Starr Ranch’s Bell Canyon as a major movement corridor. Recently, The CMLP partnered with FLOAT to try to raise a few bucks via T-shirt sales. So if interested, visit: Thanks, Pete

11/28/21 Cavity cam should be back up. Sorry for the delay. As usual, Jorge helped walk me though the process once again… Only thing left to do is try to figure out why the Cavity and Bat cams don’t auto play when you load the page. Pete

11/26/21 Our power is back on as of 11AM PST and I was able to recreate the YouTube stream for the Bat Cam and get it back up. But am having trouble with the Cavity Cam. May turn out to be a cam hardware problem. Any case, I’ll attack this problem early next week. Will be a lot of cleaning up of wiring and connections, which I hope are the easy fixes to the current problem as well as the flaky audio and interference often seen on the video. Never a dull moment… Pete

11/25/21 Cams are down due to high winds staring last night and SCEdison cut our power for fire/safety reasons (There’s a 12KV power line that provides us our electricity running over almost a mile of dry grass and coastal sage scrub – so we get it…) Any case, winds are supposed to be calm again by tomorrow AM (Friday). If so, and and as soon as we get our electricity back, I’ll relaunch the cams. Pete

11/12/21 Thanks to some tips from scylla and Jorge – and me finally realizing that I had copied the wrong link, DOH!!! – all 4 cams should be up again. Sorry for the delay. Pete

11/11/21 Still having problems getting new YouTube feeds going for the Cavity and Bat cams. At least Firefox doesn’t like it although it was just a cut and paste of a new URL over an old one. Pete

11/10/21 I’m having trouble relaunching the Cavity and Bat Box streams. I’ve contacted Jorge, who as we all know is a whiz at this. So I suspect he’ll get them back up ASAP. Pete

11/9/21 SC Edison has to do a pole repair at Starr Ranch so our power will be down today from about 11AM thru 3PM PST. All cams will be off during this time. Also, it may take me a while to get two of the feeds back up that use YouTube streaming once the power comes back on. They’ll need new URLs. Thanks, Pete

8/12/21 I just took the HOFI cam offline and will put it back up if/when the HOFI’s return next spring. Chances are high that they will. Pete

5/11/21 I just took the Trail Cam offline and replaced it with a House Finch cam for now. I just noticed today that the HOFI’s had a nest at our office and, as luck would have it, the cam from last season was already in place. However, I’ll still monitor the trail cam and post vids when something interesting walks by. Like Earlier this Morning…

3/16/21 Interesting that the male has been a no-show for a while. Could be something happened to him, but also could be that he’s getting in the “mode” of roosting outside the cavity as he eventually has in the past as chicks start hatching and it starts to get a little crowded in the cavity. However, it seems a bit early for that. Any case, let’s just see how things unfold. Pete

3/14/21 Hmmmm, 32 days since first egg laid? First hatch should be soon…

In meantime, for those who sent me their t-shirt info as part of your egg pledge I need a little more time than anticipated to send them to you. I’m reluctant to go to the post office due to this covid mess. However, I’m fully set up at the ranch to weigh and print correct postage. The down side is that the USPS is getting pickier about what they’ll allow to be left at our mailbox for pickup. They’ve twice returned a t-shirt to Wynne that had the correct postage. It was because it was “bulky” that they didn’t accept it (?!). And this was not done by our really great mail carrier, Tim. It had gone through the system after he picked it up so he was compelled to return it. Any case, I ask for your patience. You’ll eventually get your t-shirt. Thanks. Pete

Thank you EVERYONE who donated to the 2021 Egg Pledge! This means A LOT to Sandy and me and really helps Starr Ranch. And also to PLowrie who kept this all organized so well!

For those who donated $5 or more, this is the T-shirt link for you to go to so you can provide the info I need to send you a Starr Ranch T-shirt. It uses the “old” Starr Ranch website look so there might be some bad links in the right side bar. But the form should work fine.

Note: I have plenty of T-shirts except that I’m out of Short Sleeve Adult Medium.  Sizes tend to run large so, if you think you’re a medium, a small would probably work.  Pete

2/24/21 Latest egg dates:
#1 – 2/12/21 – 9:13 am
#2 – 2/14/21 – 12:39 pm
#3 – 2/16/21 – 5:52 pm
#4 – 2/18/21 – 9:38 pm
#5 – 2/21/21 – 2:03 am
#6 – 2/23/21 – 11:40 am

2/21/21 Thanks to all who are pledging a donation/egg or contribute to Starr Ranch in other ways! Given that Sandy and I have to raise a few hundred thousand dollars every year to keep the wheels on Starr Ranch, this all helps! Eggs laid as of today:
#1 – 2/12/21 – 9:13 am
#2 – 2/14/21 – 12:39 pm
#3 – 2/16/21 – 5:52 pm
#4 – 2/18/21 – 9:38 pm
#5 – 2/21/21 – 2:03 am

2/16/21 The Cavity and Bat Cams should now automatically play when you load the page. Jorge discovered that even if the code included the autoplay command, they wouldn’t because YouTube was reluctant to have embedded video that might have mic/audio suddenly start playing upon loading a page and blast the user with unexpected sound. So he found the code to have these two videos load with the sound defaulted to mute. Which is a non-issue because neither of these feeds has audio… Thanks, Jorge! Pete

2/7/21 Gretchen told me that the plugin that allows one to add a pic to a comment is no longer supported. So she’s looking for another one. Pete

2/6/21 The Limb cam is now running and also has an active mic in the vicinity of the cavity. But two things:
1) If you want to hear the audio make sure the mic (speaker icon) is clicked to “on” in (usually) the lower or upper right corner of the Limb cam feed.
2)There’s a longer delay before you see/hear the live Limb cam feed than the Cavity cam feed. So while you might hear audio from the Limb cam mic it likely won’t sync with the Cavity cam activity. Pete

2/1/21 This is part of the nuts and bolts needed to keep the cams going. But it’s fun for me. Love doing it. Just wish there weren’t so many tech glitches to deal with. Then again, that’s just part of the deal. Pete

1/30/21 I started working on replacing the PTZ cam today. But among other things, mice have chewed a bunch of wires so I have a lot of repairs to do and may have to pull new wires. So this may take some time. But I’m hoping that if not by tomorrow, maybe Monday things will be back to “normal” again. (But is there any such thing a “normal” any more…?) Pete

1/29/21 Trail cam change is done. Pete

1/29/21 I’m about to change the trail cam to a better, hopefully higher resolution, model so it may be down for a while. Also, when things dry out here a bit, tomorrow I’m going to go up to the cavity after dark and after the pair has left and install a static cam in place of the PTZ to view the limb activity. It will also have a mic so it should be able to pick up audio in the cavity as well. Pete

1/29/21 All – Please don’t put your email address in a comment. It’s way too easy for a bot to grab it and then start using it to spam you. If you want to get in touch with another viewer just send an email to me and I’ll email that person asking if it’s OK for me to share their email with you. I’m happy to do this. Pete

1/21/21 I’ve emailed Jorge about the constant cavity cam buffering. Will fix as soon as I hear from him. In meantime I removed the 360X270 cavity stream. Was redundant anyway and just wasting bandwidth. Pete


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  1. Pete, thank you! Good luck next go round.

  2. Thanks so much for the update Pete – it seems we’re going to have to be patient a little longer…just when we thought the bees were moving on!

  3. Yesterday afternoon the bees got more active.

    I can’t put a white frame on this after the gif is done, so I bet we’ll get dark bars – but I’ve spent so much time trying to make the picture clearer (and not doing very well) that I’m going to take the risk.

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    Last night’s mouse activity – 10+ minutes @ 21:00, then a short visit in the early hours, that’s all.

    My timeline isn’t doing us any favours mouse-wise – it is (or WOULD be!) fine when the owls are in residence… I can’t really move it to the top because that’s where the few bees gather.

    Two different mice were at the bat box.

  4. Good morning, Ranchers 🤗

    I’m still in a mess, it’s alarming to keep finding yet another piece missing from my personalised laptop setup – ie, how I like it and am accustomed to having it. But am soldiering on with interruptions +++.

    Yesterday t set up OneDrive, which I’ve never got to grips with – and it presented me with an an Osprey snap from a few years ago. This morning I was amazed to find a 2-hour recording of our beloved Starr Ranch Spa from 2 years ago – obviously not madly busy at this time of the year, but I edited out some birdies for y’owl (no owls):

    The bees and the mice are sheltering from the rain.

    • Mouse was in the bat box doing its thing.

      First mouse seen on cavity cam = 03:17, it emerged from under the left-most comb, as before.

    • Hi Starr Ranch community! I’ve been a bit bee removed lately and not checking in much. Getting my bird fix with Jackie & Shadow in Big Bear (three! right, Meg) and Annie & new beau at Berkeley. Quiet at Cornell with Big Red & Arthur.

      Sorry scylla for your tech issues with best wishes finding your groove. Nice the Osprey surprise rewarded your hard work. Grateful for what you share. As a computer challenged person, I think it’s all “faff” but many other words come to mind. The future will come in on little cat feet. Or owl wings?
      So good to see Wynne’s post. A hug and prayers for continued strength with recovery. Step by step, may your spirit soar.
      Hope people and critters made it through the storms in good shape and are safe, comfortable and healthy…………………………………..Peace

      • Yikes! I’m removed everywhere. New guy at Berkeley has been named Archie. Big Red and Arthur have been refurbishing nest with video highlights starting 9 February. Every time I’ve checked in, saw nothing. Maybe responding to weather? Usually visiting beginning of the year.

      • Good to see you, Enzo – thanks for the eagle news and sympathy (gratefully received!) 🤗

  5. I think it’s been raining – there are glistening droplets on the edge of one of the combs again.

  6. Mice are in ‘n out again this evening but I’ve not been able to take a detailed look yet.

  7. I wonder why the top-corner bees are more active than the others?

    Then, this afternoon, there were almost no bees in that “active” slot but all the others gathered pace! Towards the evening the active slot filled up again.

    (I typed the above many hours ago but must have lost track…)
    I’m not sure what to make of the mice – could it be that they’re established in the attic and just finding new ways of entering and leaving? Here, we can see them (very fleetingly) doing both, under the combs!

  8. Another busier day in the cavity 🐝🐝🐝


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  9. Morning!

    • Morning, Possum 😽 Not many right now, we shall see later 😏

      My recording went haywire in the night – I noticed that the cavity was on daycam but the time was 01:00, there must have been a freeze-up. I doubt we missed anything, I’ve been thinking for some time that our owls must have found somewhere else to breed – after all, they gotta do it very soon!

    • Morning to you Possum. Still a few bees lingering. Drats! Wish they would go away. Have a great day everyone! Patti

  10. TAZAROORAY’s query is “academic” at the mo – this lunchtime view had been building up for about 3 hours:

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    Thank you all for sympathy – I’m distraught to say that my tech probs have got even worse, in all sorts of areas of Windows11 and crashing downloader, other misbehaving apps, and this full HD screen in place of the ultra HD on my broken laptop.

    EMMA – Have you visited lately? They’ve got a new upload method and I haven’t yet found how to upload to an album. Someone found via google said they’d got around it but didn’t say HOW !!! And anyway they said it was a faff.

    Imgur wants to be social media rather than an image host, it’s been going that way for a long time.

    Wub to all xxx

    EMMA –

    • Sorry for asking a dumb question… just wondered what anyone thought about next season.

      • Oh it wasn’t a dumb question (((Tazarooray)))… I’m sure we’re all wondering about the future 😒 I’m so sorry if I was clumsy – yet again !!!

        I’m googling again…

        SELECTED QUOTES from Petri Pest Control Services Inc

        Worker bees take care of the brood, as well. Job intensity takes its toll on spring and summer worker bees, causing burn out within 6 to 8 weeks. On the other hand, fall worker bees stay in the hive for the winter and are tasked with merely keeping the queen warm, with no brood to care for, and no pollen and nectar to collect.

        Queens have one task in the hive, to reproduce. Queens live from 3 to 5 years. Once the queen begins to produce fewer eggs, her pheromone levels drop and weakens her control of the hive. Sensing this change, workers kill the queen and begin the cycle of raising a new queen.

        ***Honey beehives can last indefinitely if conditions are right for them to continue to grow in the spring and summer and hibernate in the winter, intact***

    • Thanks for the new word: faff!!!!
      I can always use a new bit of British slang.
      All of you Starrs, have a great day.

  11. Hi Y’all… Do you guys think if the cavity gets cleared that the BNOW’s will return for next season? I’m really hoping so. I miss seeing them.
    Scylla.. So sorry to hear about your computer issues… Hope it all works out.

  12. OH Scylla…I meant to tell you that I’m sorry about your tech probs. I know it is frustrating beyond! Also that Mousie snaps are adorable! Thanks for posting!

  13. LOVE the pup video! It definitely warmed my heart! Thanks Scylla! I really do wish the water and trail cams were up. Might see some froggies and bigger furry critters.
    Yall have a GROOVY day! Love!

  14. Mouse appeared a couple of times just now.

  15. More mouse activity (and I’m fairly confident you will see mice and not doggies this time!) and there were at least 2, I definitely caught a tail showing at the same time as a different mouse’s body.

    There was no sign of bee reaction – but just a few seconds ago a bee crawled on the lens.

    I haven’t yet managed to get Windows Movie Maker to work on Windows 11, so have dived into Microsoft’s freebie ClipChamp to join up the clips with – had to watch a tutorial and head is still spinning, I don’t want bells & whistles, just the basics !!! 😡

  16. Hello Fellow Starr Ranchers! How sad and disappointing that we may have missed seeing lots of owl activity in the Ritz. It has always been such a delight to view nature ‘s many “other-than-bees” gifts. I thought that the Ritz was to be cleared and cleaned in preparation for potential BNOW visitors. Have I misunderstood? Does anyone have an update that I might have missed? Hope everyone is doing aok! 🙂

    • Hello, Emma – I think the cavity refurb probably had to be put on hold because of days ‘n days of heavy rain.

      Me being a foreigner 😜 and an intrusive one at that, I’ve been holding back waiting for an update from Pete. I was hoping one or two of our “senior” members will decide when it’s time to give him a nudge – I’ve noticed how good some of you are at those type of comms, which I am not.

      In case you don’t know, I’m trying to recover from catastrophic laptop woes – I’ve got a replacement but it’s going to take me a very long time to finish setting it up to be MY laptop, I’ve been in utter despair and am only surviving now by switching off instead of getting on with the job 😒

      My big faulty laptop has been soldiering on screen-capturing the cavity, and guess what caught my eye early this UK morning?


      That’s my first edit on the new (secondhand) laptop, and it’ll remain the only one for some time – I just installed the editing software especially for the mouse, and it displays tiny, tiny text on Windows 11, how’m I going to manage?

      OH WOE!

    • I agree with you emma, I guess conditions have prevented Pete from venturing up to the cavity. I expect to see a different view every time I check in – here’s hoping🤞🏻

    • Hi Emma, I tune in everyday hoping to see the cavity cleared… I guess it just wasn’t meant to be this season.

  17. No batz or beez this morning…all is quiet. Dangnabit! Wish the bees would stay gone. We have missed this baby season.

  18. Seeing a few bees buzzing around this afternoon. Phooey!

  19. Good Morning Stars!
    No bats, no beez. It is 3:01 AM. Can’t sleep. OH well. I guess I will fall asleep an hour before I need to rise and shine. You cats have a MAGNIFICENT Monday!

  20. Hello fellow-Ranchers, did y’owl notice I was missing for a day or two? Well, it’s because my Dell laptop finally DIED after a medium-long expensive illness.

    I’ve ordered a second-hand replacement (not Dell!) to keep me going in the short term, it should arrive by Weds but will take a day or two to set up.

    I had a huge collection of laptops but they’ve nearly all died.

    In the meantime, the cavity continues to be screen captured on the faulty Acer but I can’t access the files – it’s just as well that almost nothing seems to be happening.


  21. No beez this morn! Have a SPECTACULAR weekend my friends!

  22. Nothing significant to report from the cavity – just a few bees flying around occasionally during the daytime.

  23. Well Good Morning Starrs!
    No bees as i write this! All is quiet.
    Hope your weekend is SPLENDI!

  24. There was rain last evening but it eased off after midnight-ish – and now the sun is out and a few bees are celebrating.

    I wonder what will happen to these bee emojis, which are supposed to be scattered?




  25. A very short FF clip showing some bee activity mid-morning today – it didn’t last very long and there are hardly any to be seen as I type.

  26. This came up on my memories today – if only !

  27. It’s my fault that your posts are “down the page”, MEG – I put snaps in reply to BECKY’s post by mistake.

    Sorry 😖

    The workaholic bee has been seen in the same area up till a few minutes ago – otherwise, there’s only been evidence of RAIN, RAIN, RAIN 🌧